Items tagged "Children": 170
Desiree and Santa
Here is Desiree Money, in her mouse costume for the Christmas play, getting a delightful present.
The Saturna Lions Club always provided a Santa Claus and someone to hand out the presents at the school's Christmas Concert. Lion Bob Rodway, as Santa Claus, and Lion Ian MacNeil as Santa's Helper did this job for many, many years.
The Saturna Lions Club always provided a Santa Claus and someone to hand out the presents at the school's Christmas Concert. Lion Bob Rodway, as Santa Claus, and Lion Ian MacNeil as Santa's Helper did this job for many, many years.
Tags: 1980s, Children, Lions Club, People
Kate Vigneault
Kate Vigneault presenting a SWSC book gift to Reaghan Sohier/Gaines at the Saturna Elementary School.
Doing the Cakewalk
Member with bunny ears is Sue Kendall. Others are participants of the Easter Cake Walk
Tags: Children, People, Women's Service Club
Kitty Payne
Kitty (Katherine, born 1900) standing beside a shell in front of the Payne House at Breezy Bay
Tags: 1900-1910s, Breezy Bay/Boot Cove, Children, Pioneers
Christmas Concert at the Hall
Aaron Money and Kevin Davidson at the kids Christmas Concert at the Community Hall
Tags: 1980s, Children, Christmas, Christmas Concert, Community Hall, Holidays
Kevin as "The Devil"
Kevin Davidson dressed as "The Devil" for Halloween at the Community Hall
Tags: 1980s, Children, Community Hall, Holidays
Dracula AKA Clint at the Hall
Clint dressed up as Dracula for Halloween at the Community Hall
Tags: 1980s, Children, Community Hall, Holidays
Kids at the Hall in their Halloween Costumes
School kids in their halloween costumes at the Community Hall. Clint Davidson, Nany and Ingrid Gaines
Tags: 1970s, Children, Community Hall, Holidays
Clint in Costume
Clint Davidson in his halloween costume at the Community Hall
Tags: 1970s, Children, Community Hall, Holidays
Christmas at the Community Hall
Geri Crooks with Clint Davidson going to see Santa
Tags: 1970s, Children, Christmas, Christmas Concert, Community Hall, Holidays
Play School at the Community Hall
Kids in play school at the hall. L-R Donny Bouche, Faedra Campbell, Clint Davidson, Ingrid Gaines, Caitlin Hayes
Advertising the Saturna Kids Concert
School kids advertising the concert at the Community Hall. L-R Morgan Pearse, Mitch Pearse, Kaleb Walker, Allison Gaines, Celine Spears
End of the School Year
School kids at the end of the year outside of the Community Hall. L-R Mitchell Pearse, Morgan Pearse, Allison Gaines, Kaleb Walker and Celine Spears.
School Christmas Concert 1987
L-R back row: Stuart Middleditch, Ashleigh Siemens, Jesse Guy, Kalai Hollings, Mike Garth, Eric Seimens, David Andrews, Corinne House, Miranda Middleditch, Simone Germaine, Andrew Money. L-R second row: unkown, Derita Miller, Aaron Money, Aja Hollings, unkown. L-R front row: unkown, David Miller, Brent Sohier, Lea Sohier, Lee Drafford. (unknown are…
Desiree and Santa
Back reads: "Desiree Money on Santa Bob Rodway's knee, Lion Ian McNeil (Lighthouse Keeper) handing presents"
Tags: 1980s, Children, Community Hall, Holidays
School Christmas Concert 1988
L-R: Jessica Emerson, Colin Branicki, Cara Money, Miranda Middleditch, Jesse Guy, Eric Siemens, Corinne House
School Christmas Concert 1988
Back reads "Didn't get all the kids in School that year!" L-R back row: Cory Nelson, Andrew Money, Fergus Oglivie, Lee Trafford, David Miller, Leslie Sohier, Aaron Money. L-R front row: Miranda Middleditch, Kalai Hollings, Corinne House, Eric Siemens, Michael Garth, Jesse Guy. On bench: Kindergartens
Playing at East Point
Janet Wellburn and Danny Fletcher
Tags: 1960s, Children, East Point, Lighthouse
Danny Fletcher in Halloween Costume
Danny Fletcher at East Point Light Station in his Halloween costume
Tags: Children, East Point, Holidays, Lighthouse